National Safety Month 2024: Week Four – Slips, Trips, and Falls

Michelle MachenOur Stories, Safety

During the month of June, the U.S. recognizes National Safety Month by calling attention to workplace safety. In addition to our emphasis on safety topics specific to Mauser Packaging Solutions, we join with other companies across the U.S. by focusing on weekly topics provided by the National Safety Council.National Safety Month – Week Four – Slips, Trips and FallsSlips, trips …

Message from Mark Burgess – Safety Month 2024

Michelle MachenMauser News, Leadership Messages, Safety

Safety of our employees is the most important priority at Mauser. During the month of June, we have taken time across our enterprise to reinforce this priority.  All our plant operations, and our office locations, will take time at some point during the month, to engage in activities that remind us of safety’s importance and remind us of ways that …

National Safety Month 2024: Week Two – Roadway Safety

Michelle MachenOur Stories, Safety

During the month of June, the U.S. recognizes National Safety Month by calling attention to workplace safety. In addition to our emphasis on safety topics specific to Mauser Packaging Solutions, we join with other companies across the U.S. by focusing on weekly topics provided by the National Safety Council.National Safety Month – Week Two – Roadway SafetyAccording to National Safety …

“Step up for Safety” – Taking the Next Steps in our Safety Journey

Michelle MachenMauser News, Safety

Mauser Packaging Solutions’ 2024 Safety Month theme – “Step up for Safety” – challenges every employee to be a leader when it comes to safety. Building upon the same theme from 2023, the focus this year is on continuing the safety journey. Establishing and maintaining a safety culture in the workplace requires an ongoing commitment to safe behavior every day …

National Safety Month 2024: Week One – Safety Engagement

Michelle MachenOur Stories, Safety

During the month of June, the U.S. recognizes National Safety Month by calling attention to workplace safety. In addition to our emphasis on safety topics specific to Mauser Packaging Solutions, we join with other companies across the U.S. by focusing on weekly topics provided by the National Safety Council.National Safety Month – Week One – Safety EngagementOne key to building …

Safety by the Numbers: 2024 – Year-to-date Quarter 1

Michelle MachenMauser News, Safety

At Mauser Packaging Solutions, it is our ethical responsibility to ensure that each employee goes home safe, every day and each one of us shares in this responsibility. The importance of safety is greater than numbers and metrics but reviewing key indicators enables us to track our safety performance and progressing in the right direction to having a safe work …

Life Saving Rules Provide an Essential Layer of Protection

Michelle MachenMauser News, Safety

Introduced in 2020, the North American Mauser Packaging Solutions Life Saving Rules (LSR) serve as a foundation for our safety policy in North America. The rules were developed around hazards specific to Mauser Packaging Solutions and are focused, clear and simple, actionable, and observable. The LSRs are eight essential safety principles that protect employees from serious injury or death when …

Safety 2024: Taking the Next Steps for Safety

Michelle MachenMauser News, Safety

The beginning of a new year marks a time when many of us make resolutions and commitments for the coming year. As we embark on a new year for our company, it is a good time for us to remember and renew our commitment to safety in the workplace. At Mauser Packaging Solutions, it is a shared responsibility of ours …

Lloydminster Facility Reaches 10 years Without a Lost Time Injury

Michelle MachenOur Stories, Industrial Solutions, Safety

Congratulations to the team at the Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada facility (NAIP) on achieving 10 years without a lost time incident! The team achieved this milestone in November 2023 and celebrated the milestone by presenting employees with commemorative jackets during their Christmas luncheon. Chris McGirr, Division Manager credits the achievement to the employees who have taken ownership in building a culture …

Safety by the Numbers: 2023 – Year-to-date Quarter 3

Michelle MachenMauser News, Safety

At Mauser Packaging Solutions, it is our ethical responsibility to ensure that each employee goes home safe, every day. During Quarter 3, Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) and Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR) increased with TRIR increasing above the 2022 rate. Incident totals across the business reached the highest single month numbers for August but responded with the lowest rates …