Message from Mark Burgess (Audio) – “Step up for Safety”

Michelle MachenMauser News, Leadership Messages, Safety

Listen to Mark Burgess, President and CEO of Mauser Packaging Solutions, share a message about our current safety state and the importance of all employees taking a leadership role in regard to safety.


(Mark Burgess, President and CEO of Mauser Packaging Solutions):

At Mauser Packaging it is a responsibility of everyone in our Company, to ensure that our workforce goes home safe, every day. Improving workplace safety is an ongoing task and one that we all must take seriously.

So far this year, we are not progressing quickly enough on improving our safety record. Although metrics have improved, we still have employees who have experienced significant life altering injuries and this is a huge concern. We must remain vigilantly committed to safety until we ensure that all employees go home safe every day.

Over the past few years, we have stepped up efforts to provide a safer working environment for our employees. Our Global Health and Safety Policy provides a summary of our commitment to protect the health and safety of employees, and we continue to make significant CAPEX investments and improve safety in our plants. We have also increased our focus on safety training, including new hire training and a new Safety Engagement Workshop for Supervisors.

Until sound safety practices are practiced by every employee, however this is not enough.

Therefore, during June, Mauser will be highlighting our commitment to workplace safety with various activities to reaffirm and celebrate our commitment to providing a safe workplace in all of our facilities and offices, every day.

I challenge every employee to take extra time this month to think about your work environment and make a commitment to improve or change something that will help keep you and your fellow employees safe. You will never know the injury that is prevented when you practice safety leadership.

Thanks for your support.

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