“We are fighting against something invisible that has been taking many lives. The vaccine will give us back the freedom that the Covid-19 virus took away from us, like returning to classes in college and the safety of giving a greeting or receiving a hug. I live with my parents and I worry that they could become infected. Getting the vaccine is essential.”

“Vaccination for me represents safety. It is the only way I can think of to keep my family, friends and colleagues safe. Today we have a giant insecurity and fear when we look outside our homes. We are afraid of getting infected anywhere, afraid of having any kind of illness and having to go to the hospital, or afraid of having to carry the guilt of transmitting this virus to someone. The vaccine is the hope that better days will come, that we will be able to reunite with friends and family, to walk again on the street, in a the car, and enjoy time at home without having a constant worry. My family and I will definitely get vaccinated as soon as it is available, because I am certain that this is the best for all of us!”
“I am thankful for my job and everything in my life but we are living in a reality where people are losing their lives and their way of life. I want to be vaccinated, become immune and return to a normal life. In the meantime, I will continue distancing and using masks and hand sanitizer.”

“The long-awaited vaccine, besides being a symbol of hope, also represents comfort. Comfort in being able to resume our lives, resume our jobs, resume the education and freedom of our children. The world will no longer be the same after this pandemic, but I wish for old habits to be replaced by much better ones, with more love, empathy and the strength to always start over. The main purpose of this vaccine is to preserve what is most precious to us - our lives and the lives of those we love.”
“The vaccine brings us more security. It is a symbol of hope that we can get through this difficult time of the pandemic that we are currently experiencing.”

“A year ago, we received the news that an unknown virus was destroying borders in a fast and deadly way and changed everything about our lives. Despite all the changes of habits, suffering and loss, we have had the strength to keep going, and we are still here today. In the midst of so many negative changes, there is hope with the vaccine, because it is the only thing we have that will lead us to normality. The question is not whether we will take the vaccine, but why not take it? There is no better motivation than to look at the reality that is all around us. Yes, I want the vaccine! It is my hope for better days for all of us!”
“My wife suffers from multiple sclerosis and we know that because of her disease the virus may affect her more severely. I want to be vaccinated for the safety of my wife and my family. I believe that only with the vaccine we can return to “normal” life.”

“I was infected by the virus at the beginning of the year. The symptoms were mild, but the fear of transmitting it to my family and colleagues was tremendous. The vaccine will bring us the security to work, study and be close to those we love.”
“Getting the vaccine will be the passport for us to go back to “normal”. The solution for the chaos caused by COVID-19 is the vaccine, which enables us to resume our routines after more than a year and rebuild our world that has suffered from the effects of this pandemic. I want to be vaccinated but in the meantime, I will continue distancing and using masks and hand sanitizer to protect myself and others.”

“The vaccine represents a hope that one day we can get back together with our family and friends. This virus came suddenly and shook the foundation of everyone, and it was able to make even the strongest cry. I am a living proof of this, because I buried my 54-year-old brother who did not resist this virus and died, taking with him part of our hearts and many of our tears. I know that many are scared of the side effects of the vaccine, but I ask myself if it isn’t better to be afraid of side effects than to live with the guilt of bringing the virus into our homes and ending up losing those we love the most. Today the vaccine is the only hope we can hold on to. One thing is certain, the virus is real, and my family and I will take the vaccine as soon as it is available. My advice today is to take a jab of the vaccine so you don’t have to carry a coffin.”
Want to share your COVID-19 vaccine story? Click here to access the “My Why” survey.