Life-Saving Rules (LSR) are key safety principles that protect us against serious injury or death. Nothing we do at Mauser Packaging Solutions will ever be worth getting hurt over, let alone seriously injured, or even killed. For this reason, Mauser Packaging Solutions introduced Life Saving Rules for North American facilities in 2020 and provided training on these key principles of employee safety.
The Life Saving Rules policy applies to all North American employees, but the principles of these rules apply to all employees regardless of job type, business unit, or geography. Strict compliance is expected with no exceptions. A single deviation or violation of a Life Saving Rule can end a life cause a permanent, debilitating injury in a split second.

The following are examples of Life Saving Rules categories and actions that would be considered a violation. More in-depth training on each of these Life Saving Rules will continue throughout the year.
Safety Controls
- Removing, tampering or defeating any machine guard or safety device (this includes power tools)
- Not reporting a known or obvious defect in machine safeguarding
- Operating machinery without proper training and authorization
- Operating a machine or piece of equipment beyond its intended purpose or outside of known working capacity
Energy Isolation
- Attempting to service or repair equipment when you are not authorized
- Performing manipulative work on live electrical equipment or circuits
- Accessing hazardous areas of machinery without Lock-out/Tag-out or following a valid Energy Safe Task
- As an “Affected” employee, attempting to operate a machine being worked on or interfering with the safety of the “Authorized” employee
Line of Fire
- Walking or working under a suspended load
- Placing your hands and arms into moving machinery
- Crossing an aisle or road outside of a designated cross walk; walking through doors designated for forklift traffic only
- Opening any electrical cabinet if you are not a “Qualified” employee wearing arc flash and electrical shock protection
- Not wearing PPE for protection against potentially serious injury
Confined Spaces
- Entering a confined space at any time if you are not authorized and trained; entering a Permit Required Confined Space (PRCS) without a valid entry permit
- Not following requirements specified in the entry permit, such as not conducting required air sampling, not wearing the proper PPE, etc.
- Failing to perform assigned duties, such as an Attendant leaving his or her post
Hazardous Materials
- Handling or using hazardous materials for which you have not been trained
- Not correctly wearing all required personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Moving hazardous materials from one container to another without relabeling; dispensing into unapproved containers
- Approaching and attempting clean-up of a spill for which you are not trained, qualified and/or equipped
Hot Work
- Performing any hot work, such as welding, cutting, brazing, etc. outside of a designated area (designed for that purpose) without a valid permit
- Not performing required duties as specified under the permit, ex. attendant leaving post or neglecting fire watch
- Not following requirements of the permit
Fall Protection
- Climbing over or under standard guard rails serving as passive fall protection
- Working over 4’ above ground or the next level without some form of fall protection (when guard rails or other passive fall protection is not provided)
- Climbing or working off of a ladder when unable to maintain 3 point contact
- Climbing racking, pallets, or using makeshift materials in place of a ladder
- Operating a scissor or boom lift without proper training or authorization
Safe Driving
- Operating any vehicle at speeds unsafe for conditions; operating in a reckless manner
- Operating a vehicle known to be defective or without functioning safety equipment; not wearing a safety belt
- Operating a vehicle, e.g. forklift, without proper training and official authorization
- Operating any vehicle under the influence of drugs and alcohol
Strict enforcement of Life Saving Rules is essential to ensuring a safe work environment. Suspected violation of a Life Saving Rule in our North American businesses will result in the immediate suspension of the individual alleged to perform the unsafe act or behavior, with termination on the first violation, if confirmed. Each case will be reviewed by an Executive Life Saving Rules Review Committee who will carefully go over all the facts of the case. Employees will always have the opportunity to present their version of events and it is never predetermined that the employee will be terminated. Safety is a joint responsibility. Termination is not required if there are credible mitigating factors for the violation that is partly or completely out of the direct control of the employee.
Any employee can intervene and has the right to request an operation or activity be stopped if they believe a Life Saving Rule is not being followed and employees are at risk. If you are not sure, you should at report the situation to a supervisor or manager. If your “gut” is telling you something is unsafe, then it probably is. Safety is everyone’s responsibility.
Mauser Packaging Solutions Safety Leadership
Kimberly Miller
Vice President, Environmental, Health & Safety
Industrial Packaging
Frank Burger
Head of Safety, Health, Environment, Quality
International Packaging
Allen Coppolo
Director, Environmental Health and Safety
Small Packaging