Life Saving Rules: Safe Driving

Michelle MachenOur Stories, Industrial Solutions, Large Packaging, Reconditioning, Safety, Small Packaging

Life Saving Rules are essential safety principles that when followed, will protect employees from serious injury or death. These rules were developed around hazards specific to Mauser Packaging Solutions and are focused, clear and simple, actionable, and observable.


Dangers of Distracted Driving

The same safe driving practices that apply to personal driving should be practiced when driving at work whether on the road or when driving industrial vehicles such as a forklift. One of the primary causes of driving accidents is distracted driving.

Distracted driving is when you do another activity that takes your attention away from driving. There are three types of distracted driving:

  • Visual: taking your eyes off the road.
  • Manual: taking your hands off the wheel.
  • Cognitive: taking your mind off what you are doing.

Did you know…

  • 15 people are killed every day due to distracted driving with an additional 1,200 people injured.
  • Of the distracted driving incidents last year, approximately 1,000 deaths and 24,000 injuries included cell phone use as the primary distraction.
  • Talking on your cell phone while driving makes you four times more likely to crash, and texting make you 23 times more likely.

Examples of distracted driving include but aren’t limited to texting, talking on a cell phone, eating or drinking, talking to passengers, adjusting audio systems, reading, and grooming. By following basic distracted driving prevention tips, accidents from distracted driving can be avoided.

  • Let friends and family know that you will not answer their calls or texts while driving.
  • Let your voicemail take all calls while driving. Pull over and stop the car if you must respond.
  • Pull over and stop the car to eat.
  • Perform all grooming either before leaving or after arriving at your destination. You will look far worse after a crash; it’s just not worth it.
  • Know exactly how to get to your destination. Pull over and stop to read directions.
  • Pre-set navigation, audio systems, and all other electronics. If you’re riding with passengers, allow them to be the DJ.
Our Commitment to Safe Driving:
  • I will follow safe driving rules.
  • I will wear a seatbelt and my passengers will too.
  • I will be rested and alert while driving.
  • While driving, I will not:
    • speed,
    • use any hand held device, such as a cell phone,
    • drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol.